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Ninigret Quilters 2023 Quilt Show – Westerly, RI
October 13, 2023: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Admission: $5
email: ninigretquilters@gmail.com
website: ninigretquilters.blogspot.com/p/quilt-show-2023.html
October 13 – 15, 2023
10am – 4 pm daily Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Over 200 quilts made by members, novice through professional level quilters, will be on display including featured guild challenges and group projects.
This year’s raffle quilt, titled “Guiding Light,” features RI and CT lighthouses and a fish background. It was pieced by members and designed and quilted by Jane Connelly, Ninigret Quilters member. Raffle tickets are available from members in advance and at the event. The event will also include vendors and the ever popular themed raffle baskets.
Food: No food service at the show, but lots of options locally.